May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Please note:

The solution is based on the US version of the game. There may be divergences from the Spanish version.

First steps

After the intro movie, tap May with the stylus to start the tutorial.
Then examine Dragonville Gate for the first puzzle.

Puzzle n° 1 - Dragonville Gate
Setting: south entrance to the city of Dragonville
Request: write the name of the citizen you intend to visit
Answer: DOYLE
Reward: access to the north area of ​​Dragonville

Talk to Alphonse for the next puzzle.

Puzzle n° 2 - Lament for Augustine
Setting: Town Square a South Dragonville
Contact person: Alphonse
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer: follow the simple instructions of the tutorial, then during the game go to the rhythm using the stylus
Reward: access to the north

Advance north and talk to Mathew for another puzzle.

Puzzle n ° 3 - Tickets for the museum
Setting: South Dragonville
Contact person: Mathew
Request: place the coins so that the rows and columns give the required result
Answer: fill the grid according to this indication:

1,5, .5
2,1, .1
.5,1, .2

Reward: access to the Baloon Museum

So enter the museum to immediately tackle a new puzzle.

Puzzle n ° 4 - Keys in the Trunk
Setting: Baloon Museum
Request: find the hidden keys
Answer: The first key is located at the bottom left under the scissors; the second on the left, next to the clock on the cash register; the third top left, on the brown mask; the fourth in the center under the magnifying glass; the fifth on the right, at the foot of the gray statue; the sixth still on the right, above the gray statue; the seventh and ulta top center on the old phone
Reward: access to the east

Continue east for the next puzzle.

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Puzzle n ° 5 - Guess the letter
Setting: South Dragonville Baloon Museum
Request: guess the letter that completes the sequence
Answer: letter S
Reward: new quest

Advance north and examine the fountain containing the piranhas to activate the new puzzle.

Puzzle n ° 6 - Piranha in the fountain
Setting: South Dragonville Baloon Museum
Request: position the two boards so that you can overcome the body of water
Answer: place one axis diagonally in the lower right corner and the other always diagonally, but in the opposite direction, so that it rests on the first and protrudes towards the center
Reward: access to the area to the north

Advance north and talk to Aleister.

Puzzle n ° 8 - Dark omens
Setting: Fortuneteller Street a Dragonville Central
Contact person: Aleister
Request: guess the number of predictions
Answer: 32
Reward: access to the next puzzle

Puzzle n ° 7 - Crystal balls
Setting: Fortuneteller Street a Dragonville Central
Contact person: Aleister
Request: move three matches so that the dog's bed faces in the opposite direction
Answer: move the oblique match at the top left of the oblique match most moved to the right, also changing its angle; then take the match that was under the one you moved earlier and place it under the new position of the first match that you moved. Now take the match placed horizontally on the right and move it to the left of the other match in a horizontal position

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Reward: new quest

Head south one block first, then three times west and meet Sammy. Talk to him to activate the next puzzle.

Puzzle n° 15 - Market Square
Setting: Market Square in Central Dragonville
Contact person: Sammy
Request: Divide the squares into four equal parts
Answer: Assigning a number from 1 to 4 to each part proceed as follows


Reward: first piece of the letter T.

Puzzle n ° 16 - Weights and errors
Setting: Market Square
Contact person: Babooshka la venditrice
Request: select the three useful weights for all measures between 1 and 13
Answer: 1, 3, 9
Reward: second piece of the letter T.

City Hall

Now go to the library to the north and talk to Melanie, the librarian. The girl will direct you to City Hall, east of Market Place. Inside, approach the painting.

Puzzle n ° 10 - Carmen's lipstick
Setting: City Hall
Request: fixed the parts concerning the monkey's mouth
Answer: use the pieces you find at the top right and left to reassemble the upper lip of the animal, then place the piece that is at the top center on the jaw, then with the piece at the bottom complete the jaw, finally apply the two remaining pieces as well in their now obvious position
Reward: access to the upper floor

Go upstairs and examine the bookcase.

Puzzle n ° 11 - Find the guide
Setting: upper floor of the City Hall
Request: find the letters that make up the word GUIDE and other objects
Answer: the letter G is on the base of the lamp, on the left; the letter U is at the top left; the letter I top right on a brown book; the letter D is at the bottom right of a box; the letter E is at the bottom left on a target; the pen is on top of a brown book; the eraser at the bottom of a filing cabinet; ink under a book on the right; the adhesive tape at the bottom right on a box
Reward: the guide

So pick up the guide from the shelf on the left, then go back to Melanie.

Puzzle n ° 18 - Labeling a book
Setting: biblioteca a nord di Market Place
Contact person: Melanie
Request: find the number of pages in the book
Answer: 412
Reward: third part of the letter T.

Exit the library and head east to the construction site where you find Brick Hammer. Talk to him to activate the puzzle.

Puzzle n ° 19 - the tiles of the Trident
Setting: yard east of the library
Contact person: Brick Hammer
Request: place the tiles correctly
Answer: move the large triangular pieces in the corner, after which place the square at the top in the middle, then put the other triangle under the square; at this point the other positions are intuitive
Reward: fourth and last part of the letter T.

After the cut-scene, go north and examine the gate, then turn west to talk to Socrates

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Puzzle n ° 20 - Arrangement of insects
Setting: northwest area of ​​the city
Contact person: Socrates
Request: use the 12 insects that are delivered to you to place 4 against each wall
Answer: Follow the legend and layout diagram
1 = insect 2 = empty 3 = unusable


Reward: new quest

After talking to Lukatello in the east, go to the grove south of the library.

Puzzle n ° 17 - Socrates' insects
Setting: grove south of the library
Request: find the hidden insects
Answer: find the first insect at the bottom right, near the bottle; the second is found on the fishbone; the third on the big tree on the right; the fourth on the left axis; the fifth on the tree at the top left; then identify the fly at the bottom right next to the tank; a first worm then is found on the bottom left near the stump, a second on the top right on the garbage pail; finally look for the two butterflies, both at the bottom left, one on the ground and one on the milk carton
Reward: access to the cemetery

Go west and talk to Billie. Since you need an animal, head to the mill east of the market.

Puzzle n ° 12 - The song of the owl
Setting: mill
Contact person: the owl inside the mill
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer: as indicated by the tutorial, make the correct movements with the stylus
Reward: access to the upper floor

Upstairs, examine the chest.

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Puzzle n ° 13 - Lucky symbol
Setting: upper floor
Request: divide the horseshoe into 6 pieces with only 2 cuts
Answer: make a first diagonal cut between the upper / central left part and the lower right part, then another between the central / lower left part and the upper right part
Reward: access to the next puzzle

Once the puzzle is solved, the next will be immediately submitted to you.

Puzzle n ° 14 - How to tame an insect
Request: find the hidden objects
Answer: the stick is on the left, near the green tube; the cage is on the left on the brown bag; the first insect is located at the bottom left of the pipe, the second at the top right on the mannequin, the third on the rope not far away; find the sugar cube at the top right, the string near the guitar, the scale always on the right next to the bag and finally the chair at the top right
Reward: Dragonfly

Visit Billie in the northwest.

Puzzle n ° 21 - The letter T
Setting: northwest of the city
Contact person: Billie
Request: reconstruct the letter T
Answer: the bottom left piece goes down, the top right piece is the left end of the T, the bottom right piece goes to the center and the last one into the only hole left
Reward: opening of the crypt

The Crypt

Enter the crypt and examine the coffin.

Puzzle n ° 22 - The skull with one eye
Setting: crypt
Request: collect all the skulls with only one eye
Answer: avoid normal skulls and empty positions
Reward: access to the subsoil

After the cut-scene, talk to Headless Joe

Puzzle n ° 23 - Joe's glasses
Setting: underground
Contact person: Headless Joe
Request: find the hidden objects
Answer: the lenses are 7: top left, above the rope; on the umbrellas in the center; on the magnet above; on the belt on the right; under the blue die at the bottom right; on the fireplace on the left; at the foot of the bear on the left
Reward: access to the cellar

Go down to the cellar, then go east three times, then once west to meet Virgil.

Puzzle n ° 26 - Dinosaur skeleton
Setting: underground
Contact person: Virgil
Request: move the eight pieces to make a dinosaur
Answer: move the head up to the left, positioned under the arms, then even more under the feet; then place the body in the center, below the legs and tail on the right
Reward: lowering of the lava in the lake

Talk to Wakonga, west of Virgil. Go west again and examine the button.

Puzzle # 24 - The blinking blue light
Setting: underground
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer: repeat what you saw in the tutorial

Talk to Wakonga to the east.

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Puzzle n ° 25 - Wakonga's memorabilia
Setting: northern area of ​​the subsoil
Request: find the hidden objects
Answer: tooth bottom left, flute left on shovel, frog top left, fish on right, flower wreath right above hat, boomergang right on wood, surfboard in center, feather top right, bow bottom right, pineapple on the left trumpet
Reward: access to Mine Shaft

Head north and examine the piece of wood.

Puzzle n ° 28 - I tre nani
Setting: northern area of ​​the subsoil
Request: find the correct path between the three dwarves
Answer: this n ° 2
Reward: access to the warehouse

Talk to Jimbo in the north warehouse.

Puzzle # 29 - Jimbo's Warehouse
Setting: Jimbo warehouse
Contact person: Jimbo
Request: find the objects
Answer: ax on the ladder on the left, pencil on the upper left, hammer in the center on the red ax, pincers on the lower left near the helmet, wrench on the lower left near the liquor, pliers on the lower right near the hat, shovel in the center
Reward: access to River Entrance

Examine the machinery to the east.

Puzzle n ° 30 - Short circuit
Setting: north area of ​​the basement
Request: divide the panel into four parts
Answer: with the most symbol folded to the left, use the knob immediately below the one in the center on the left, then the one above the central right knob, then the knob to the left of the one in the upper center and finally the knob to the right of the central lower one
Reward: access to River Styx

Talk to Jebediah east in River Styx

Puzzle n ° 31 - Cross the river
Setting: River styx
Contact person: Jebediah
Request: let the two adults and two children cross the river
Answer: take both children to the other bank, then bring one back; now take an adult to the opposite bank and return with a child. He then repeats the same sequence to bring the other adult there as well.
Reward: access to the other side of the river

Talk to Harvey in the east.

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Puzzle n° 32 - Harvey's Lot
Setting: north of River Styx
Request: divide the five plots of land into 10 without removing the stylus from the screen
Answer: starting from the bottom corner, zigzag through the plots
Reward: access to the east and new quest

Esaminate he geyser has is.

Puzzle n ° 34 - Geyser di lava
Setting: lava gayser
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer: repeat what you saw in the tutorial
Reward: access to the east

Examine the door to the east

Puzzle n ° 35 - The symbol of the spider
Request: you find the image out of place
Answer: image 3
Reward: door opening


Open the door and talk to Gertrude
Puzzle n ° 36 - Gertrude's spider
Contact person: Gertrude
Request: lead the spider to the 4 flies, then bring it back to the center
Answer: go up first, then right; from there start moving clockwise until you satisfy the request; be careful never to pass through the same area twice
Reward: none, indeed ended up in prison

Talk to Percival.

Puzzle n ° 38 - Puzzle for vampires
Setting: prigione
Contact person: Percival
Request: take the vampire to a safe place
Answer: from the cross go right twice, then up once and leave the vampire there
Reward: access to the Inverted Garden

Talk to Herbert in the east.

Puzzle n ° 41 - Water the plants
Setting: Inverted Garden
Contact person: Herbert
Request: pour 3 liters of water into each plant, leaving two liters in each watering can
Answer: take the 5-liter container and pour water into the 2-liter container until it is full, then pour 5 liters into a plant; then pour the 7 container into the 5 container, then the 2 container into the 7 container, then the 5 container into the 2 container. Now pour 5 liters into each plant and divide what remains between the various containers
Reward: complete two quests

Go west to Percival.

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Puzzle n ° 39 - The vacuum cleaner
Setting: prigione
Request: find the hidden objects
Answer: oil can in the center near the liquor, the fan at the top middle on the red plane, the vacuum cleaner head at the bottom, the lid at the center near the liquor, the pipe at the top right, a screw at the bottom right , the second bottom left, the third center near a striped shirt, the bottom screwdriver near the red bird, the bottom right electric socket of the red bird
Reward: vacuum cleaner

Talk to Percival

Puzzle n ° 40 - Combination
Setting: prigione
Contact person: Percival
Request: crack the code
Answer: A = 49 B = 17 C = 13 D = 64
Reward: you can leave the cell

Talk to Gertrude in the west.

Puzzle n° 37
Setting: north of the subsoil
Contact person: Gertrude
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer: repeat what you learned in the tutorial
Reward: you can leave the house

Talk to Harvey after going east 3 times.

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Puzzle n ° 33 - Arranging the bottles
Contact person: Harvey
Request: Arrange the bottles correctly
Answer: light blue, blue, red, green, yellow, white
Reward: Access to Lava Lake

Examine the button in the center of the room to end up in Lava Lake.

Puzzle n ° 27 - Crossing on the pipes
Setting: Lava Lake
Request: Go from point A to point Y
Answer: down, right, down, left, down, down, right, up, right, up, right, up, up, right, down, down, down, left, down, right
Reward: crossing of Lava Lake

Crypto Zoo

Talk to Percival and you will receive a second piece of map. After that, examine Crypto Zoo, then at the end of the movie, examine the floor plan to start another puzzle.

Puzzle n ° 42 - The three stairs
Setting: Crypto Zoo entrance
Request: find the correct scale
Answer: scale 1
Reward: access to the gift shop

Talk to Pepper to the north.

Puzzle # 43 - Pepper's Artifact
Setting: South area of ​​Crypto Zoo
Contact person: Pepper
Request: reassemble the artifact
Answer: reassemble the pieces at your disposal so that they compose the letter L
Reward: access to the fountain

Talk to Daisy in the east.

Puzzle n ° 44 - Catch a goldfish
Setting: Crypto Zoo fountain
Contact person: Daisy
Request: connect the lines to the fish
Answer: A- 16 blocks long, it should be assigned to the goldfish; B- 9 blocks, to be assigned to the fish above the red one; C- 6 blocks, fish close to A; D- 5 blocks, fish close to C
Reward: new quest

Talk to Bigg to the south. Then go north, then east to talk to Rodney.

Puzzle n ° 48 - The dance of the mouse
Setting: ice cream cart at the Crypto Zoo
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer: repeat what is shown in the tutorial
Reward: another puzzle

Puzzle n ° 49 - The ice cream accord
Setting: ice cream cart at the Crypto Zoo
Request: write the name of the flavors starting from the letter on the outside
Reward: access to Crossroads and Giant Statue

So head north to Giant Statue and examine the elevator.

Puzzle n ° 50 - The riddle of the elevator
Setting: north area of ​​Crypto Zoo
Request: connect fuses of the same color together so that they all occupy the same space
Answer: take the yellow fuse that is in the lower left corner and bring it up as far as possible, then to the right for 3 spaces and down by 2; take the red fuse at the top right and bring it down as far as possible, then left as far as possible, then up 2 spaces; take the green fuse at the top right and move it to the left by 1 space, then down until it touches the red point, then to the left by 1 space and up by 1 space
Reward: access to the lift

Use the elevator and talk to Elliot.

Puzzle n ° 51 - Elliot's precious trinkets
Request: find the hidden objects
Answer: flute in the center near the chair, toy soldier in the center near the fishes, pencil on the top right, chocolate bar on the top right, disc on the right near the chair, stamp on the bottom right, ruler on the top left, candy on top left, candy box on the left next to the skateboard
Reward: bananas and new quests

Look for Biff (south twice, then west then south again) and talk to him.

Puzzle n° 46 - Monkey Business
Setting: VIP Igloo a Crypto Zoo
Contact person: Biff
Request: have each monkey eat the number of bananas they want
Answer: assign the left column to the blue, the green one the column next to the blue one, the yellow one in four spaces above it and the two to its right, the red one the three spaces below and one on the right, the purple one finally one space below and one above
Reward: access to the VIP Igloo

Go east and talk to Bob-Bon

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Puzzle n ° 47 - Bon-Bon's lunch
Setting: VIP Igloo
Contact person: Candy
Request: put the pictures in the right order
Answer: 1- fishing hook 2- knife 3- flame 4- pot 5- cutlery 5- brush
Reward: access to Zoo Lake

Go north, turn east twice, then north again. Talk to Horace at Zoo Lake.

Puzzle n ° 53 - Cleaning the swimming pool
Setting: Zoo Lake
Contact person: Horace
Request: clean every square of the pool
Answer: from the starting point: down, up / right, right, right, down, up / right, right, down, down, left, up, down / left, up / left, down / left, up, down / left, down , right, up / left, down, right, right, right.
Reward: next puzzle

Puzzle # 54 - Broken air conditioner
Setting: Zoo Lake
Request: find the hidden objects
Answer: screw bottom left on the letter C, screw bottom left on the mask, washer on the left on the tank, round bottom on the gray vessel, tube on the bottom right around the wood, battery on the top right, diode on the right above the blue shoe, switch in the center on the wall, screwdriver in the lower left
Reward: access to the north area of ​​Zoo Lake

Talk to Bubblesfor to the north.

Puzzle n° 55
Setting: Zoo Lake Underwater
Contact person: Bubblesfor
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer: repeat what you saw in the tutorial
Reward: access to Training Hall

Go south. After the cut-scene, talk to Grombaldi

Puzzle n° 56 - Jumbled Juggling
Setting: Training Hall di Crypto Zoo
Contact person: Grombaldi
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer: repeat what you saw in the tutorial
Reward: access to the safe

Examine the safe.

Puzzle n ° 57 -Safecracker
Setting: Training Hall di Crypto Zoo
Request: find the combination: the sum of the columns and rows must match the numbers on the sides of the box

5, 4,9
27, 0,16

Reward: acid to release Elliot; another puzzle.

Puzzle n ° 58 - Secret passage
Setting: Training Hall di Crypto Zoo
Request: enter the 5 digits in the grid making sure that no digit is repeated within a row or column; also pay attention to the symbol


Reward: you will be released

Talk to Martin in the east.

Puzzle n ° 59 - Martin's toys
Setting: shingles is di Crypto Zoo
Contact person: Martin
Request: find the hidden objects
Answer: skate top left, microphone in the center near the guitar, elephant on the left near the letter Y, checkmate in the lower left, train in the upper center, ball in the lower center, binoculars in the upper left
Reward: access to Madam Delores

Go west, then south to talk to Delores.

Puzzle n ° 60 - The magic book
Setting: shingles is di Crypto Zoo
Contact person: Delores
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer: repeat what is illustrated in the tutorial
Reward: another puzzle

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Puzzle n ° 61 - The tarot cards
Setting: shingles is di Crypto Zoo
Contact person: Delores
Request: componete la parola Fool
Answer: follow the grid, mark where you find the X, don't mark where you find O


Reward: Moonlight Cream

Talk to Martin (north, then east). After that, look for the twins (west, north, east).

Puzzle n ° 62 - The spiteful twin
Setting: Northeast area of ​​Crypto Zoo
Contact person: the two twins
Request: Guess who Raff is
Answer: A is Raff
Reward: access through the falls

Examine the door to the east

Puzzle n ° 63 - One footprint too many
Setting: Northeast area of ​​Crypto Zoo
Request: find the unique imprint
Answer: N ° 2, bottom center
Reward: access to the north

Open the door and examine the alarm.

Puzzle # 66 - Broken Alarm
Setting: Northeast area of ​​Crypto Zoo
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer: repeat what is shown not tutorial
Reward: access to the PC

Examine the PC

Puzzle n ° 64 - The alarm system
Setting: Northeast area of ​​Crypto Zoo
Request: find the 7 buttons that do not touch each other
Answer: considering the smaller blocks of which the grid is composed, indicate the blocks marked with X


Reward: access to the Vault

Examine the Vault

Puzzle n ° 65 - Memorable safe
Setting: Vault, northeast of Crypto Zoo
Request: find the combination in the grid


Reward: Memory Crystal

Talk to Martin (South twice, West twice, South and West again). After that, go west three times, then south and east to find Bon-Bon. Talk to him, then look for Daisy (west, then north).

Puzzle n ° 45 - Fishing kit
Setting: West area of ​​Crypto Zoo
Contact person: find the hidden objects
Request: find the hidden objects
Answer: seat bottom left, hook bottom center, gloves bottom right, rod in center above the book on the right, boot center above the shovel, reel top left and worm bottom right
Reward: after the cut-scene you receive the third piece of the map

Talk to Elliot (east, then twice north)

Puzzle n ° 52 - The map for Uter's Island
Setting: Crypto Zoo
Request: Identify dangerous terrain
Answer: S = safe P = dangerous


Reward: reach Uter's Island

Uter's Island

Talk to the sleeping pirate.

Puzzle n ° 67 - Barbarossa's clock
Setting: south zona di Uter's Island
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer: repeat what is shown in the tutorial
Reward: access to the east

Check out the quicksand to the east.

Puzzle n ° 72 - The Quicksand map
Setting: south zona di Uter's Island
Request: arrange the pieces so that they form a safe path
Answer: start with the L-shaped piece on the left, position it at the top right, then rotate it clockwise; then fit the top right piece with the top right corner of the previous piece by rotating it counterclockwise; take the piece on the left in the shape of a cross and place it between the two previous pieces with the circles facing downwards; Now take the piece at the bottom right and rotate it clockwise to fit it with the previous one; then place the lower left piece in the lower right corner and finally place the last remaining piece in the lower left
Reward: talk to Tam-Tam

Talk to Tam-Tam, then examine the log to the west.

Puzzle n ° 68 - Midnight wardrobe
Setting: south zona di Uter's Island
Request: find the hidden objects
Answer: walkie-talkie top right, helmet top right, coat top middle, boot bottom left, stick middle, keys bottom left, belt center around hat, glove middle near hen
Reward: access to the pirate ship

Go west and talk to the pirate on the left

Puzzle n ° 69 - A pirate game
Setting: pirate ship
Contact person: Nathan
Request: choose the deck with the highest chance of winning
Answer: 3
Reward: translator for the Native quest

Talk to Native (east twice).

Puzzle n ° 71 - Universal translator
Setting: jungle of Uter's Island
Contact person: Native
Request: arrange the pieces so that they form a sentence
Answer: turn the red piece clockwise then put it in the left corner, fit the blue piece, next to this put the orange one so that it reads VERSAL, add the yellow one at the bottom left so that it reads NSLAT, finally place the evrde piece turning it backwards
Reward: next puzzle

Puzzle n ° 70 - Bunjee Jumping
Setting: jungle of Uter's Island
Request: guess the height of the hill
Answer: 50 m
Reward: access to the north

Talk to Lukaello to the north, then examine the head of the statue.

Puzzle n ° 73 - Hard head
Setting: statue in the center of Uter's Island
Request: find the figure
Answer: place the Xs in the grid following the diagram:


Reward: access to the north

Examine the castle door to the north.

Puzzle n ° 74 - The lock on the castle door
Setting: castle north of Uters' Island
Request: correctly place the numbers in the grid.

2 5
6 4 8
9 3 7 8

Reward: access to the north

Go through the door and examine the alligator.

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Puzzle n ° 83 - Dangerous liquids
Setting: Uter's Castle
Request:leave 3 deciliters in the central glass
Answer: pour 9 liters into the 5-liter cup, then pour 9 into the sewers; pour 7 liters into the 9-liter cup, then pour 5 liters into the 9-liter cup; finally pour 5 liters into the 7 cup
Reward: next puzzle

Examine the red string.

Puzzle # 82 - Hidden Path
Setting: Uter's Caste
Request: find the hidden path
Answer:fill in the boxes marked with an X


Reward:next puzzle

Examine the brick wall.

Puzzle n ° 86 - The unstable wall
Setting: Uter's Castle
Request: find the unique number
Answer:brick 14
Reward: next puzzle

Examine the quicksand.

Puzzle n° 81 - Quicksand Field
Setting: Uter's Castle
Request: find the safe path using all fields
Answer: follow the Xs in the grid


Reward:next puzzle

Examine the sign.

Puzzle n ° 85 - The three signs
Setting: Uter's Castle
Request: find the sign leading to the exit
Answer: Reward: next puzzle

Examine the waste pile.

Puzzle n ° 88 - Useful pincers
Setting: Uter's Caste
Request: find the hidden objects
Answer: compass top left, lamp bottom left, ax center top, magnifying glass l center top, rope bottom left, bug spray bottom left, first aid kit bottom right , flask of water in the bottom center, knife in the center
Reward:next puzzle

Examine the arrow.

Puzzle n ° 88 - The poison arrow dungeon
Setting: Uter's Castle
Request: find the safe path
Answer: leave the boxes indicated with O empty, fill in the boxes indicated with X and insert the corresponding number of arrows where you find a figure


Reward: next puzzle

Examine the spikes.

Puzzle n ° 79 - The haunted park
Setting: Uters' Castle
Request: walk on the highest possible number of panels between tile 1 and tile 32
Answer: follow the route: 1-5, 5-2, 2-6, 6-3, 3-7, 7-11, 11-15, 15-12, 12-16, 16-20, 20-23, 23- 19, 19-22, 22-18, 18-14, 14-10, 10-13, 13-17, 17-21, 21-25, 25-29, 29-26, 26-30, 30-27, 27-31, 31-28, 28-32
Reward: next puzzle

Examine the gears.

Puzzle # 87 - A complicated combination
Setting: Uter's Castle
Request: find the combination
Answer: 65795
Reward: next puzzle

Examine the tiles.

Puzzle n° 89
Setting: Uter's Castle
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer:repeat what is illustrated in the tutorial
Reward:next puzzle

Examine the wasp.

Puzzle n ° 78 - Room of insects
Setting: Uter's Castle
Request: go from A to B using only three times the spray
Answer:follow the diagram below following the boxes indicated with the X, the F indicates the ants, the S the time to use the spray.


Next puzzle reward: examine the wall.

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville walkthrough

Puzzle n ° 84 - Secret passage
Setting: Uter's Castle
Request: position the colors so that they match the mirror
Answer: follow the diagram: B indicates blue, G yellow, V green, R red and X unusable spaces


Reward: cut-scene

Puzzle n ° 75 - Rifle Rondo
Setting: Uter's Castle
Request: follow the rhythm
Answer:repeat what is illustrated in the tutorial
Reward: cut-scene

Check out the Green River.

Puzzle n ° 76 - Building a bridge
Setting: Green River
Request: assemble the pieces so that each one touches only one colored block
Answer: number the blocks starting from the one furthest to the right and going to the left, then position them as follows:
block 1- top right side on the red block
block 5- top left on the red block rotated counterclockwise
block 3- bottom right on the yellow block rotated clockwise
block 2- bottom left on the green block on its left side
block 4- on the burgundy block
block 6- on the orange block
Reward: access to the prison

Puzzle n ° 77 - The prison lock
Setting: Uter's Castle prison
Request: place four colors in each gear without them touching
Answer:follow the diagram: B is blue, V is green, G is yellow, R is red, x indicates unusable blocks


Reward:access to the north

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Exit date: August 12 2011

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