In this guide by Elden Ring, license plate title FromSoftware detailed in our recent review, players are faced with multiple challenges, which they can be able to overcome thanks to the help of the work: we want to deepen in this article the Sacred Tears, which allow to improve the ampoules for regeneration at the grace points.
As for the possibility of finding new ones, managing them better between mana and life, we take the opportunity to refer you to our dedicated guide with all the details in this regard, you can find it here.
Let's talk about aids in the form of mana and life that are handled right in the aforementioned places, and that thanks to the tears in question can improve over the course of the experience.
We would like to remind you that this Elden Ring guide to where to find all the sacred tears and improve the ampoules contains spoilers regarding the locations of the items, and we therefore advise you to continue carefully.
Let's find out the location of all the Sacred Tears of Elden Ring in this guide
- Sacred Tear 1 - (Third Church of Marika): from the place of Grace look north of the statue
Weeping Peninsula
- Sacred Tear 2 - (Fourth Church of Marika): at the base of the statue
- Sacred Tear 3 - (Church of Pilgrimage): once again, look at the lower part of the statue
- Sacred Tear 4 - (Callu Baptismal Church): again this time you just have to check the lower part
Liurnia of the Lakes
- Sacred Tear 5 - (Church of Irith): Check the lower part of the statue
Bellum Highway
- Sacred Tear 6 - (Church of Irith): Look at the bottom of the statue
- Sacred Tear 7 - (Bellum Church): also at the base of the statue
- Sacred Tear 8 - (Church of Inhibition): located on the base of the statue
Atlus Plateau
- Sacred Tear 9 - (Second Church of Marika): take it from the lower part of the statue
- Sacred Tear 10 - (Stormcaller Church): located in the lower part of the statue
Mountaintops of the Giants
- Sacred Tear 11 - (First Church of Marika): once again at the base of the statue
- Sacred Tear 12 - (Church of Repose): again in the lower part of the statue
Hoping that the Elden Ring guide of this article has helped you, we refer you to our card dedicated to the new soulslike title with all the information about the game, you can find it here.