Please note:
The solution is based on the US version of the game for Xbox 360. There may be divergences from the Spanish version and / or for other platforms.
First Mission
After splitting the squad, follow your leader to the right up the stairs. Enter the next building, equip the silencer. Hold the "select" key to pull out the weapon customization wheel and press Y to move the silencer. Press A to equip it. Activate the mask by pressing the right trigger, proceeding to the next room. Position yourself behind the next enemy, behind the computer on the left, by crouching by pressing the B key. Click the left trigger to kill him quickly. Once this is done, deactivate your coverage, making it recharge. Turn it back on, proceeding to the hangar.
You will find a guard who takes care of the computer, while his partner actively guards the area. Hide and wait for your mask to fully recharge, then reactivate it and kill the guard under the vehicle; then repeat on the next one, then hiding in the darkness, waiting for the disguise to recharge.
Kill the next enemy, who you will notice walking in the area. Proceed along the next walkway, keeping an eye on the floor, where you will find a ventilation duct. Enter it, proceeding along the ventilation system. At the next grate, activate the mask and open the grate. Enter the next room, kill the guard controlling the consoles. Start moving towards the goal again. Interact with the panel, letting your partner pass, following him along the next doors. Then follow Psycho to the outside area. Take the crossbow from him.
Activate the disguise, then kill the first guard using the bow. Hide and deactivate the cover, then repeating the procedure on the following guards. You will reach an area associated with a closed door. Your partner will kill the subject through the window, thus giving you instructions on how to hack the door. Double press "up" on the D-Pad, activating the hacker mode of the Nanosuit. Aim the cursor at the controls across the window, then hold X to start hacking.
Wait for the circle to position itself in the "crow" line of the cursor, then confirm before it moves - repeat the procedure twice to cause the door to open. During Psycho's moans, examine the red crates for ammo. Follow Psycho to the next room. Once again outside, go up the stairs. Kill both guards in the area, go down the stairs, also kill the next ones below. In case you are spotted, the guards will call for a helicopter - if that happens, activate your armor and throw yourself behind the nearest cover.
When the area is free, activate the mask again by hacking the keypad. Enter the next building, paying attention to the crates of weapons. Follow the various objective markers throughout the building.
Equip the crossbow before proceeding beyond the next large room. We recommend that you kill the enemies one by one, using your crossbow, however making sure you can recover the arrows from their corpses after eliminating them. At the end of the room, you will find a door to go through, so a Prophet to interact with. The next room will be similar to the previous one, you should preferably use your stealth skills to take out the enemies; there will be two on each side; remember to reposition yourself behind a wall whenever your energy reaches a critically low level.
Continue to the darkened laboratory as soon as possible. Avoid wasting time killing enemies, preferring to move along the corridors, making sure you are always completely "covered". When you arrive at the large room full of enemies, immediately activate the disguise, then your viewer for hackering. Aim at the turret to hack it. Once this is done, she will kill the two nearby guards on your behalf.
Continue hacking to proceed beyond the next door, then wait for Psycho to kill all enemies in the next room. Follow him, watch the cutscene.
Video - Launch Trailer
Second Mission: Welcome to the Jungle
Take the nanotechnology suit from the wall, then proceed to make the subsequent upgrades - you will have four points to spend, we strongly recommend that you distribute them on various characteristics. Follow Psycho to the first obstacle - a group of mines. Hack the central PC to deactivate the mines, proceeding forward, always following Psycho. Press X to reactivate the door, arriving at the elevated line. Observe the cutscene.
Regaining control of the Prophet, you will need to be able to proceed along an area equipped with a watchtower (some areas of supply for weapons will be displayed on the map). Activate the disguise, then move to the first ammo container so that the Prophet can take it. So locate an object to hide behind while the "disguise" is deactivated. Continue to proceed in this way, from area to area. Pay attention to the pool exactly in the center of the room, in case you are located we recommend activating the armor and diving in the center, then swim down and re-emerge only when your energy has zeroed and the enemies have calmed down.
You will then come to the edge of a ravine, which leads to a railway. Activate the armor, then drop yourself down to avoid taking severe damage. Make sure you land in a sufficiently "wooded" bush to avoid being spotted by the tower. Activate the disguise again, proceeding to the sniper on the ground. Take everything you can, retreating towards the bush. Wait for the energy to return to you to reactivate the cover. Stand in front of the cannon and use the sniper rifle to destroy the next three. When you run out of ammo, proceed to the next objective to return to Psycho.
You will find another minefield blocking your progress; "hack" also this minefield, thus continuing forward. Pay attention to the soldiers who will look for you in the water - hide and activate the "cloak" at maximum power, walking around the enemies to avoid any kind of confrontation. Follow the various checkpoints, locating Psycho again, who will tell you how to enter the building. Activate the armor, dropping yourself into the hole. Follow Psycho through the sewers. When you reach the large area full of enemies, hack the turret in the center, so that it goes to kill the opponents. Approach the stairs. Below them, you can find a reserve of ammo - grab them, focusing mainly on the grenades (they can be retrieved by pressing the Y key twice). Go up the next stairs, dodging the various Cell soldiers who walk in the area - we recommend killing one placed behind a car, then using its hiding place yourself to finish off the rest of the subjects in the surroundings.
Once near Psycho, click on the left analog stick to start running; press A at the end of the race to launch the Prophet over the ravine. Follow Psycho into the next room, locating the dead soldiers. Jump into the destroyed train carriage, holding X to open the next door. Let the Cell soldiers be killed by the aliens. Activate the armor, jump to the center of the grassy area. Kill the nearby soldiers, then proceed to the nearby large door and hold X to open it.
Go through the various sewer tunnels, paying attention to the possible side rooms with corresponding objects. Quickly fire the lasers on the ground to make your progress easier. Arrived near a dumpster, click with the right analog stick to move it, making you then fall down. You will come to a large warehouse; use your crossbow to hit the enemies below. Wait for the disguise to recharge, then crouch and move forward again. Once at the turret, hide and regenerate the energy, then hacking the turret itself.
Use the crossbow to silently kill the enemies that will not be directly eliminated by the turret. Proceed to the next area, using the "signposts" to understand in which direction to proceed. After you reunite with Psycho, you will need to protect him from the incoming Stalkers - quickly take possession of the big machine gun, thus removing it from the position where it is "locked". Eliminate the Stalkers in the area, activate the armor, then - when the Stalkers are dead - start following Psycho along the play area. It will lead you to a gate, unfortunately completely closed. So follow him to the train carriage, attached to an explosive tank. Approach its back, pressing X to press it forward. Climb to the top of it, enjoying the show.
Terza Missione: The Root of All Evil
Follow Psycho down the corridors, grabbing the explosives from the crate, then proceeding to the elevator. Enter it; so when it destroys on land, swim out of the water. Once outside, run towards the target signal, staying along the left side of the map and using the "cover" to avoid being located. Hack the turret, then proceed to the next turret, controlled by a person - kill the subject, then take possession of the turret and open the doors.
Exit and proceed to the towers containing the generators. You can locate one in the north, and one in the south. You can freely choose the order in which to destroy them - we still recommend using the cover to avoid the enemies in the area, therefore continuing along the conduits on the side of the buildings, to proceed inwards. Here you will find two opponents placed to protect the generators. Eliminate them, then proceed to the first generator. After you activate it, it will unfortunately have problems; you will therefore have to make a super jump to escape from the building.
Continue to its top, grabbing the rocket launcher and equipping it. You will therefore find several lasers blocking the door, so hack the panel to remove them. Activate the armor, destroy the helicopter outside, always using the rocket launcher. Dive into the water and start swimming. Therefore deactivate the armor, waiting for the energy recharge. When it's full again, reactivate the armor, thus returning to the surface and making your way to the second generator. Repeat the previous procedure.
So dive into the water; you will locate, near the dam, a certain quantity of C4. Swim in the area without being seen, place the explosives on the wall, then watch the following cutscenes. When the Prophet is active again, collect the treasures from the starting area. So make your way into the water, going through the caves, always using the cover to eliminate the enemies - preferably from a distance. Retrieve the arrows after using them, continuing to follow the watercourse. When the cavern begins to tighten, dive into the water, the current will lead you right outside the "System X" recovery facility.
From your starting area, use the arc to take out the two guards below and to the left. Then activate the armor, letting yourself fall down. Deactivate the armor, activate the cover, moving to the side of the next structure. You will locate a tunnel, which you can use to proceed inward. Follow the tunnel. At its end, you will find an explosive - detonate it and then proceed outdoors. Hide in the water, recovering some of the energy, reactivating your mask. Go up the stairs, reaching the target area. Kill both enemies that move between the turrets in the play area. You will then arrive near an elevator. Interact with its controls, letting yourself be carried down, thus ignoring the flying drone.
Proceed through the various control panels, activating them all as indicated. Then continue towards the elevator, making you transport to the next area. Re-activate cover, killing nearby enemies. Continue to the following control panel, thus turning off the Nexus.

Quarta Missione: Safeties Off
The mission will begin with stealth-type combat. Your goal will essentially be to avoid the various moving lights present along the play area, while moving along the water area.
The turrets will be very useful in this case; try to hack all the turrets that you will see in the area, which will kill the enemies without anyone noticing that you were there. You will then reach a minefield, with two successive panels to hack. Remaining invisible, hack them both to deactivate the mines, then proceed forward. You will come to a wall, with a guard on top of it. On the left, there will be another minefield; on the right, a turret. Remaining as invisible as possible, kill the guard using a bow and arrow. Another guard will arrive in the area, kill her too, so dive behind the nearest cover to regenerate your protective cloak, then hack the turret. Super-jump to get to the wall, reaching a semi-destroyed apartment.
Locate the stairs, and work your way up to the turret at the top. Use the crates as cover, thus hacking the turret itself. Then locate the nearby "rope" along which you will drop, proceeding to the next building. Take the necessary items, therefore continuing forward, always trying to keep your "cover" to the maximum to avoid the hits of the enemies. Several larger enemies will therefore arrive on the scene, kill them before they get too close, then continue along the following objectives. Jump to the next building, approach the Mindcarrier, thus awaiting the arrival of the hallucinations. Therefore, continue towards the following objective; watch out for the flames, which will burst out of the nearby building as the explosions devastate the city. So quickly run through the city, approaching the next door.
It will explode, and the prophet will be thrown to the ground. A new enemy of type "Ceph" will arrive in the area; aim your gun at his flashing red eye, firing at him to seriously damage him. The eye will therefore be moved towards the earth, creating a kind of shield. Throw a grenade to cause it to explode. You can now pick up the Scorcher's weapon by pressing the X button. It is a powerful weapon, capable of firing fireballs that cause very high damage. Having caught it, use it to destroy all the Scorchers in the next area. You will then find other Cephs, as well as Cell soldiers nearby - which you can easily take out with your new weapon.
When you run out of ammo, we recommend that you leave it on the ground, so use your "stealth" skills to get there - or go back to Psycho. So follow Psycho through the following streets, observing the various interlude scenes, until you reach the destination.
Quinta Missione: Red Star Rising
During the conversation with Claire, start moving along the rooftops, using the debris to create a fake "bridge". You will reach a long waterfall, which then leads to a jungle. Activate your armor, then jump down. Kill the Ceph, proceed to the Mindcarrier to activate it. Continue on to the next cutscene, during which a "superpower" status will activate, and you can pick up a Ceph pistol at your feet. Start eliminating opponents quickly; having killed them all, a barrier will be detonated and you can move through the city. The target marker will therefore be visible high in the sky. Move in its direction through the streets completely sunk in the water, passing the buildings. You'll find both a Ceph and some Cell-type soldiers in the area - the Ceph will be the only real problem though.
Moving through the first of the apartments, you will find a turret that "comes out" from one of the windows. We recommend that you "get it" before proceeding; therefore, in the following areas, use the armor ability rather than the stealth (remember to activate it manually!). As you continue the exploration, you will have to overcome another descent which will cause a large decrease in your armor level - so wait for it to recharge before proceeding.
So detonate the nearby turret before it can cause damage to your armor, continuing forward until you locate the damaged APCs. You will therefore have to start walking again. Walk forward until you reach the destroyed bridge, then following it. Make sure you have active armor, as an enemy will attempt to surprise you while you are near the bus, firing their RPG at you. Then move towards the enemies on the bridge, keeping the armor active to the maximum, killing them as you proceed towards the next building. Run down the stairs. In case you have any problems, we recommend jumping to the central area of the play area, given the presence of water in the area. After the cutscene, you will have to press X again to restart the game. The Prophet will then open the door, and you can continue forward to locate Claire.
You can then ignore the enemies along the next area, as the Cephs will fight against the Cells, killing each other. After some time, however, you will find yourself faced with a rather complex section - a helicopter will arrive on the scene to try to finish you off. Activate your disguise and move forward as fast as you can to get out of the helicopter's aim. As soon as it sees you, start running forward, then quickly activating your cover as soon as the energy bar has been fully regenerated. Grab one of the rocket launchers from the wrecked vehicle, then reactivate the cover, proceed outside, detonate the helicopter.
Quickly dive behind the nearest cover, waiting for your energy to recover. When this is done, get out of cover to hack the turret. Kill the remaining enemies, then continuing forward. You will find large Ceph vehicles, as well as some Cell-type vehicles. Ignore them, continuing further up to a dam blocking the path. Proceed to the left of the door, along the platforms to reach the highest possible area. Kill the soldiers that will parry along the way; we recommend that you keep your armor skills active, thus killing the soldiers at speed. At the top, you will therefore locate a control panel; activate it. Drop down, continuing to move forward, towards the command center.
You will therefore find two objectives visible on the map. They allow you to proceed in a different way towards the command center; choosing the nearest "marker" you can proceed along the simplest way, choosing the farthest one the more complex way. Obviously, in the second case you will get a larger amount of items. You will first have to deal with an underwater minefield, followed by a large number of Ceph-type enemies.
In any case, preferring the "simpler" way instead, you can walk around the command center until you locate a door with a hackable panel associated with it. Ignore the rest of the enemies, trying to keep your armor active instead. Having located the door, you will notice how protected it is from Scorchers and Ceph of other kinds. Kill a Scorcher first, then grab their weapons and start killing the other Cephs in the area. Activate your "cloak" of cover, then hack the control panel of the door to open it, and proceed forward until you reach the command center.
The following objective will be the destruction of the anti-air defense system. Go up the stairs, then quickly throw yourself behind the nearest cover. Activate the invisibility, thus hacking the turret. Kill nearby enemies by destroying the defense system with well-aimed bullets. After its explosion, you will be asked to return to Psycho and Claire. You will therefore notice an isolated area that you will necessarily have to reach; in its vicinity, there will also be a drawbridge. Beyond the bridge, you can reach the controls. Kill the remaining enemies, then destroy or hack the next turrets. Activate the controls to cause the bridge to descend, continuing beyond it. Kill the enemies as you proceed to the elevator, being transported to the control room.
Trailer - The hunt is on
Sixth Mission: Only Human
Click repeatedly with the right analog stick to move debris out of the play area. Then follow the path to the first Ceph anti-air defense unit. Stand in front of it, so that the Prophet destroys it. There will therefore be two other anti-air defenses to be destroyed.
Proceed to the first, pushing back the Cephs, paying attention to the Ceph "version" of the mines, visible on the ground. We recommend shooting in their direction to make them explode. There will therefore be a Ceph turret placed to defend the next anti-aircraft unit: activate the invisibility to destroy it, then project towards the third, using the platforms to overcome the various ravines and dodge the mines, destroying the Cephs you will find along the way. .
You will therefore find yourself in front of the third anti-air unit, the one most heavily defended. Fortunately for you, there is a nearby pillar that, when activated, allows you to obtain a Nanosuit with superpowers. Grab the nearby Ceph weapons, using them to get rid of the rest of the Cephs. Continue to the last unit, destroying it.
So wait for Psycho to fly over you. Get rid of the remaining Cephs, allowing your companion to land near the nearby roof. Proceed to the roof, entering the aircraft. You now have a chance to fully control his aiming reticle - so destroy all the Ceph ships, then fly forward. At some point, the aircraft will suffer excessive damage and will have to land.
Proceed to the explosive turret, using it to finish off the various Cephs that land periodically. Then destroy the next ones, exit the turret and continue to the next checkpoint. You will now have to deal with a boss. To complete the fight effectively, we do not recommend resorting to invisibility - it is preferable to use armor. Along the concrete barrier there will also be several reserves of ammunition; clearly you will have to take them, as well as use the barrier as protection, if and when that is possible.
The opponent will then go to "take" Prophet with some kind of electric rays. Repeatedly press the A button, increasing the speed when it begins to "flash" on the screen. After the explosion, kill the Cephs that will be fired at you, and focus on eliminating the Master Mind. After it has "taken" the Prophet, repeatedly press the A key until it is finally destroyed.
Seventh Mission: Gods and Monsters
The mission will begin while you will have almost exclusively a pistol at your disposal. Along the starting areas, you won't have to worry too much about enemies, as they can be easily defeated. Then follow the various "caves", then the watercourse, then continuing through the subsequent conduits. Once outside, you will find an object to "lead" the mind, as well as other Ceph turrets. You won't have access to the Nanosuit's abilities now, at least not immediately. We recommend killing the first Cephs, continuing towards the "mind-transfer" object. As soon as your HP amount reaches a critically low level, red text will appear on the screen and you will have to dive behind the nearest cover, then wait.
When you have free field, quickly run towards the machine. Place yourself in its center to get superpowers. You can now destroy all the Cephs in the area, then move further along the caves. You will quickly locate the next machine / mechanism.
Run again to the end of this area, then following the slope upwards. Enter the final mechanism, so that Prophet's armor reloads again. Now continue on to the next alien mechanism by entering it. After the various cutscenes, you'll have to see the boss again. Along the game area there will be various weapons, take them before the fight. The Alpha Ceph is a tentacle-shaped creature with three cannons placed in a triangle formation. We recommend that you aim your shots at one of the tentacles during the fight. Use the armor to block his attacks, trying to get the ammunition always and in any case.
Having dealt enough damage, the opponent will try to "take" Prophet - so you will have to press A repeatedly to be able to free yourself. The Ceph-type soldiers will therefore arrive on stage en masse, as soon as the Alpha Ceph regroups with you. Kill them, also taking the objects on the ground to recharge Prophet's suit. Moving on to the second round, the opponent will become more powerful, turning into a kind of "Drill" that goes to chase Prophet. When this happens, we recommend placing yourself in a sufficiently "low" area and then running quickly away, as a single shot may be enough to eliminate you.
Either way, your attack pattern should generally be the same as before. Press the A key repeatedly when Prophet is "caught" by the enemy, and keep hitting. Having observed the subsequent cutscenes, you will therefore find yourself floating in space. Hack the satellite. You will take control of the laser connected to it. Use the right analog stick to move the laser slightly, trying to align the cursor with the indicated area. So load the shot, press the right trigger to strike.
Video Solution - Playlist
Click here for the playlist!
Soluzione Video - Welcome to the Jungle
Video Solution - Safeties Off

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- ps3
- x360
Exit date: February 22 2013