Far Cry New Dawn, guide to Platinum and trophies

Suddenly announced during The Game Awards 2018, Ubisoft immediately made one thing clear: Far Cry New Dawn is a direct sequel to the fifth installment, released last March. Seventeen years after the bombs fall, the protagonist will have to help the inhabitants of Prosperity, struggling with the Warriors of the Road, commanded by the fearsome twins Mickey and Lou.

For those who want to unlock all the trophies, we recommend playing the first run in complete tranquility (regardless of the difficulty level), trying to unlock only Honorary Scout, the only missing trophy in Far Cry New Dawn, and to follow ours drive only after completing the main story.

Far Cry New Dawn Information

  • difficulty: 3/10
  • Hours needed to complete: 20
  • Runs required: 1
  • Trophy "mancabil": 1


  1. Prosperity must thrive - Help Carmina get back to her mother in Prosperiti. Host only.
    Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
  2. Grace's welcome return - Retrieve Grace's prototype weapon and return it to Prosperity for good. Host only.
    Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
  3. Find the stuff - Retrieve Selene's precious stuff. Host only.
    Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
  4. Wiki-Bean-ia in business - Help Bean retrieve the business plan to create an information network in Prosperity. Host only.
    Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
  5. The Rye reunited - Get Nick, Carmina and Kim Rye back together. Host only.
    Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
  6. Shipping and collection - Complete your first expedition by forcing the Road Warriors to abandon a fortress.
    See Get Away.
  7. Honorary scout - Collect information 10 times by speaking to Wiki-Bean-ia scouts. Host only.
    To get the trophy, you must interact with the Wiki-Bean-ia scouts, easily recognizable thanks to the blue diamond positioned above their heads. Usually, they meet at a newly liberated outpost, otherwise you can go around the map and find one after a few minutes. Once you talk to the XNUMXth scout, you will unlock the trophy.
    We advise you to speak with the scouts right away, as they will disappear when you buy maps from the explorers (action required for platinum), thus making you miss the trophy.
  8. Possession is worth title - Loot one of the Road Warriors' supplies. Eye, you will not be alone!
    In the early stages of the game, you will become aware of the existence of the supplies of the Warriors of the Road, or the randomly generated crates containing materials and ammunition. Traveling around the map, or even just heading from one point to another, you will surely come across one of them: kill the Road Warriors and loot it to get the trophy.
  9. Forage - Collect 15 Hope County Plants. They are the thing that most resembles medicines now.
    You will get the trophy during the normal continuation of the adventure, as you will need the plants to create the med kits. Fortunately, the Far Cry New Dawn map is full of plants to collect, and you'll get 15 in under thirty minutes.
  10. Reduce, reuse, recycle- Loot an outpost. You can always make it yours. Host only.
    Once you have conquered one of the 10 outposts, you will unlock several structures, including a Work Table: by interacting with it, you can loot the outpost, receive 50 units of Ethanol, and give the area back to enemies. By doing so, you will get the trophy and the outpost will level up, making it more difficult to conquer.
  11. The house is what you build yourself - Upgrade Prosperity's infrastructure for the first time using what you need. Host only.
    Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
  12. Helper on the sidecar - Drive with Timber for a total of 5 minutes. But don't take him to the vet!
    Once Timber is unlocked (see No More Nominations Accepted), select the dog from the Roster menu and spawn a Rusty Sidecar from the garage: get on it and drive for 5 minutes to get the trophy.
  13. White gold - Steal a tanker full of ethanol and take it to one of your outposts.
    After clearing an outpost, move away about two hundred meters and wait on the road for the arrival of an enemy tanker: shoot the driver, steal the car and return to the nearby outpost to get the trophy.
  14. Whoever finds holds - Complete 3 Treasure Hunt missions. Host only.
    To unlock the trophy, go to the Prosperity cartographer and buy the treasure hunt map, so you can see them all on the map. At this point, choose 3, go to the area and complete them to get the trophy.
  15. Safes emptier - Pick 5 safes. In the absence of banks, that's the closest thing to a hit.
    First of all, you need to unlock the Pick Locks trait so that you can open the safes. At this point, complete the treasure hunts and clear each outpost to easily find well over 5 safes and get the trophy.
  16. How am I, doctor? - Craft 10 Med Kits. They will come in handy.
    To create a Med Kit, go to a Workbench, go to War Supply and create ten: if you are full, use what you have to make room for the new ones.
  17. Kill or die - Kill a mutant animal. He'd do the same to you if you gave him even half a chance.
    To unlock the trophy, go to the Prosperity cartographer and buy one of the mutant animal maps (you need to upgrade the structure to level III), so you can see their habitats on the map. At this point, equip more legendary weapons and kill the animal to get the trophy.
  18. The Paladin's secret - Find Sam Fisher's outfit in the Destroyed Government Plane Expedition.
    Destroyed Government Plane is the fifth expedition available: launch it and search for the wreck of the aircraft. First use the blue staircase to enter and then the computer located on the ground floor to open the vault door. Kill the two enemy guards and pass them to find Sam Fisher's outfit and get the trophy.
  19. Audiophile - Rediscover the beautiful music of the past. Find all hidden MP3 players. Host only.
    To unlock the trophy, go to the Prosperity cartographer and buy the map of the music players, so you can see all 10 of them on the map. At this point, go to the areas and listen to them all to get the trophy.
  20. My little big fortress - Make Prosperity bigger than ever! Upgrade all infrastructure to the highest level. Host only.
    There are 8 infrastructures in Prosperity:
    - Work station;
    - Nursery;
    - Workshop;
    - Training camp;
    - Artificeria;
    - Shipping;
    - Healing garden;
    - Cartographer.
    Each can be upgraded to level III via Ethanol. To get the right amount of material, we advise you to clear all outposts and loot them up to the maximum level. Once you have upgraded all the infrastructure, you will unlock the trophy.
  21. Leather head - Obtain at least one hide of each type of Hope County animal. A very normal thing, really.
    In total there are 25 animals, 18 you can find them thanks to the maps of the Cartographer, while the other 7 in the following locations:
    - The skunk in the expedition to Alcatraz Island;
    - The rattlesnake in different caves explored during the main story;
    - The hare west of the refinery;
    - La mucca a est de La dispensa.
    - The crocodile in the swamps (and also during the main story);
    - The shark in the water, during the first expedition;
    - Il toro a est de La dispensa.
  22. Gunsmith - Make 3 hooks. They don't have to be beautiful, they just have to work!
    To get the trophy, just create any 3 weapons using the workbench.
  23. Stir-fry - Catch a specimen of all Hope County fish. Go with the omega-3s!
    First of all, you need to unlock the Fishing Rod trait, then purchase the 6 fish habitat maps, all available from the cartographer. At this point, open the map, go to the indicated areas and fish all the species to get the trophy.
  24. Field pig - Recruit Horace. Pay no attention to his temper. Host only.
    See No more applications are accepted.
  25. Poof! - Use 3 smoke grenades.
    To get the trophy, press L1, select the smoke grenades with the directional arrows, create 3 and throw them all.
  26. It's Super Effective! - Headshot a hitman, using armor-piercing ammunition.
    First of all, create an assault rifle of legendary level or higher, open the weapon wheel with L1 and press R1 to select the armor-piercing shells. At this point, go to any level III outpost and shoot one of the two hitmen in the head to get the trophy.
  27. The company halves the trip - Complete 3 expeditions with a coop partner.
    First of all, invite a friend via the Online Menu to join your game, then complete 3 expeditions of any level to get the trophy.
  28. Up close there is more taste - Kill 25 enemies with any type of takedown. Use that rail nail properly!
    To get the trophy, just take down 25 enemies in total, whether they are Tier I or even elite. We recommend that you unlock Flawless Felling and carry out these kills in the Outposts, where you will have no problem taking down several enemies in a few minutes.
  29. The captain is brave - Kill your first hitman. You will send the right message to the Road Warriors.
    To meet a hitman, just go to a level III outpost: kill one in any way (we recommend taking it down) to get the trophy.
  30. Good job - Kill 5 enemies by throwing a shield at them.
    To get the trophy, we recommend that you go to the outpost The Island, face it at level III and kill one of the 3 enemies with the shield. At this point, wound the soldiers until they have less than half life, collect the shield with R3 and press the button again to throw it at them, so as to kill them. Repeat the process four more times to unlock the trophy.
  31. One on the other - Acquire the 5th level of an upgradeable trait. Of some things you never get enough.
    To get the trophy with the minimum number of points possible, we recommend that you improve More lung capacity (it costs 2 points the first time and 3 the following), so as to reach the 5th level with only 14 points.
  32. Run away fools!! - Without wings there is less resistance, right? Take a short flight aboard the wingless plane.
    As you progress through the story and recruit Nick Rye, you'll unlock Carmina, the wingless plane. Spawn it in the boat shed just outside Prosperity, create a stick of dynamite, throw it in front of you and immediately accelerate it to explode below you and be thrown into the air. Once you land, you will unlock the trophy.
  33. Wanker - Kill 10 thugs with a saw gun. They have no escape.
    To kill 10 thugs (particular enemies with shields), we recommend that you use a legendary saw shooter, go to the L'Isola outpost at level III and kill the shielded enemies with the aforementioned weapon, then clean up the outpost and repeat the process until the trophy is unlocked.
  34. Hats off - Blast an enemy's helmet with a charged melee attack.
    To get the trophy, you must approach an enemy of level II or higher with no weapon equipped, hold R2 for a second or two and release the button to hit him on the head and blow up the helmet.
  35. Control of anger - Kill 10 enemies with a single activation of Rage.
    As you progress through the story, you will be able to unlock the Wrath trait, which will allow you to minimize the damage taken and maximize the damage inflicted on melee. Now go to a level III outpost and set off the alarm so that more enemies arrive. Once grouped, press R3 and start hitting each soldier to eliminate them and move on to the next one: after killing 10 enemies, you will get the trophy.
  36. Hey, Father, look here - Perform an aerial takedown after performing the Leap of Faith.
    First of all, you need to unlock the Leap of Faith trait, available towards the end of Act 2. At this point, go to an outpost and outflank an enemy without being noticed: double jump and press R3 to perform the air strike. and unlock the trophy.
  37. Negotiated - Unlock the first level of all traits.
    To unlock the first level of all traits you will need 182 points, plus you will have to reach almost the end of Act 2 to get some. To get the necessary points, we advise you to use weapons of different types and levels to kill, so as to complete more challenges (you can see them from the Challenges menu), furthermore completing the 10 treasure hunts, which will take about 30 minutes, will guarantee you well 30 points. Once you have unlocked all the traits, you will get the trophy.
  38. Trampoline - Survive a 30m fall using just the Leap of Faith to neutralize the impact.
    First of all, you must unlock the Leap of Faith trait, available towards the end of Act 2. Once done, spawn a helicopter, climb as high as possible and launch without a parachute: a few moments before impact, press X to perform. a Leap of Faith and survive the fall, thus unlocking the trophy.

Read Also: Far Cry New Dawn Review


  1. Thrive - Upgrade and secure Prosperity. Host only.
    Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
  2. Back tol'Eden - Take the father back to the New Eden. Host only.
    Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
  3. Problem solver - Solve Hope County's biggest problem by defeating the Twins. Host only.
    Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
  4. Applications are no longer accepted - Recruit all mercenaries. Host only.
    In total there are 8 mercenaries: 2 you can recruit during the main story and 6 you can hire by completing a mission. Here's where to find them all:
    - Gina Guerra will be in Prosperity;
    - Nana will be located northwest of The Refinery outpost;
    - Hurk Drubman Junior will be located southeast of the Great Caravan Camp outpost;
    - Timber will be east of the destroyed Forge;
    - Orazio will be to the north-west of La dispensa.
  5. The Before - Find the locations where the souvenir photos were taken and see what Hope County was like. Host only.
    To unlock the trophy, go to the Prosperity cartographer and buy the map of the photographs, so you can see all 9 on the map. At this point, go to the areas and observe them to get the trophy.
  6. Puro ninja - Liberate a level III outpost without being detected.
    First of all, you have to loot an outpost twice to bring it to level III. At this point, unlock the Flawless Downing trait, create the “Blood Dragon” curved bow, capable of instantly killing, and mark each enemy with binoculars. Now start eliminating the basic soldiers with the bow, finally taking down the elite ones: once the area is cleared, you will get the trophy.
  7. All your bases –Free all outposts at least once at level III.
    To get the trophy, you have to kill all the enemies of the 10 outposts 3 times:
    - The first time will be easy, as you will have to deal with level I enemies;
    - The second will start to arrive the first problems, as the enemies will be level II;
    - The third and last you will have to weigh every move, as the enemies will be level III.
    We advise you to use silenced and high-level weapons (especially the bow), to destroy any alarm present as soon as possible, so as to avoid annoying reinforcements, and to first mark each enemy to always know their position.
  8. Legend has it - Create your first legendary weapon or vehicle to become a legend too.
    To unlock the trophy, you must necessarily bring either the Workbench or the Workshop to level III, so that you can create legendary items or vehicles. At this point, complete a few expeditions to gather the necessary materials and forge a legendary weapon or vehicle.
  9. Expert archer - Kill an enemy more than 100 meters away with a normal arrow.
    First of all, we recommend that you take the Workbench to level III and create the “Lucky Shot” composite bow, equipped with a viewfinder that can also calculate the fall of the arrow based on distance. Now unlock the Tactical Binoculars trait, so you can mark how far an enemy is: found one just over 100 meters away, take aim and shoot the arrow to kill him and unlock the trophy.
  10. Come to the point, indeed to the tip - Finish off an enemy hitman with the bayonet.
    First of all, create a weapon equipped with a bayonet (those with a kind of knife on the tip), then go to a level III outpost and locate the hitman (who will be at the elite level) and shoot him a few shots to reduce him in fin of life: at this point, approach and press R3 to finish it with the bayonet and unlock the trophy.

Far Cry New Dawn, guide to Platinum and trophies


  1. The end of Eden - Decide the fate of the Father. Host only.
    Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
  2. Hurry up - Complete 7 different expeditions on difficulty level III.
    First of all, upgrade the Expeditions infrastructure to level III, then complete the 7 expeditions, so as to unlock level II: repeat them now at the new level to unlock III. At this point, complete all 7 at maximum difficulty to get the trophy.


  1. Conqueror - Get all trophies.
    After unlocking each trophy, you will get the much coveted Platinum.
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