The highly anticipated Resident evil village has finally arrived, and with him the trophy and platinum hunters are also rubbing their hands. The title Capcom owns within it 50 trophies, of which 40 bronze, 6 silver, and only 3 gold. Potentially apart from those related to history, all trophies are missing, but you can take advantage of the manual saving to be able to replay specific areas. As for the platinum difficulty itself, this isn't an extremely difficult hunt, but it won't be the easiest of walks either. Among the trophies to be unlocked there is also the one linked to finishing the game at maximum difficulty (Village of Shadows), and it is recommended to do so using the infinite bullets, trick that once unlocked does not affect trophies. You will need to complete the game at least 3 times. One of the trophies that could be more annoying is definitely "Legendary Mercenary", which will require you to get the S rank in all levels of the Mercenaries mode. In addition to this exhaustive guide to platinum, we also offer you the complete guide to the game!
ATTENTION: the guide to trophies and platinum contains SPOILERS on Resident Evil Village, so we advise you to continue reading only if you already know the story or have already completed a game run.
What to do first
The initial advice is to enjoy history - and not only - a easy level, focusing on collectibles and saving money. We recommend that you focus only on purchasing the inventory size and crafting recipes. Make a manual save for each chapter, as they will not be selectable when you finish the story, so you can return to each area of the game to get the various trophies in case you miss them. Once you have finished the game you will unlock the cheat for infinite bullets, which you can use for the higher difficulties. Obviously, you use a slot to save your game at the end, because if you restart with the new game plus with that, you will take your progress with you.
The second step is what sees your second run focus on buying extra content in the shop.
After that, the advice is to throw yourself headlong to finish your run (still at easy level) only by using the knife (if you have unlocked the Karambit knife, use it, as it does a lot more damage.). If you succeed, add other trophies to this run, such as the one dedicated to 3 hour speedrun and that of spend less than 10.000 lei.
Play the Mercenaries mode when you want it from after it will be unlocked, but don't expect it to be easy.
Guide to all trophies and platinum
Bronze trophies
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Beware of the Wolf! - Survive the Lycan attack. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">The four gentlemen - Escape the mine. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Ethan the Vampire Slayer - Defeat Dimitrescu's mutation. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Hi Dolly - Defeat Donna and Angie. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Fish out of water - Defeat Moreau's mutation. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Second round - Defeat Uriaș in the fortress. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Ethan and the stone goblet - place the Chalice of the Giants in the place of the ceremony. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Principle of elimination - Defeat Heisenberg's mutation. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">The roots of evil - Find the megamycete in the underground ruins. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">A model dad - Complete the story on normal difficulty or higher. | Trophy explained in the title.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Creative - Create an object. | You will unlock it almost immediately. Just create an item from the recipes you have from the beginning using the crafting menu.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">New client - Make a purchase from the Duke in Story Mode. | Trophy explained in the title. You will often meet the Duke during the game, make a purchase by spending your Lei to unlock the trophy.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Burglar - Unlock a simple lock with a lockpick. | You will find the first lockpick after defeating the first mutated Dimitrescu inside the castle. One padlock will be right in the discovery area, but you can open any padlock to get the trophy.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Restorer - Combine parts of a treasure to get the complete form. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed. Some treasures may consist of several parts. Just compose a treasure with its parts and complete it to get the trophy.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Cacciatore - Take down an animal in Story mode. | Trophy explained in the title. Just kill any animal during the story.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Rolling what a passion - Complete a maze. | There are four mazes in the game, and each of them has a corresponding ball. The mazes are miniature constructions where you can insert the ball and complete a minigame by guiding it to the end. To get the trophy, just complete one.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Never say goals - Move the ball from the bedroom to the adjacent study. | During the prologue you will take the child to bed, and there will be a yellow ball in the room. Push her by walking against her, until she is sent to the adjacent room (the study) where the laptop is.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">I hate crows - Take down 5 flying crows in Story mode. | You can find them during your visit to the village. When you approach they will fly away, and you will have to shoot them as they fly. We recommend doing this on your second visit to the village (you can use a save to farm them). Get the shotgun ready.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">When nature calls ... - Open the door to all village latrines in one playthrough. | Trophy explained in the title. There are 10 in total in the game.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Let's change the air! - Break all possible windows in Dimitrescu Castle in one playthrough. | Trophy explained in the title. There are 19 destructible windows present in the Dimitrescu castle section.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Factory waste - Take down some Soldats hanging from the conveyor belt in the factory. | In the area where you meet the Duke in the Heisenberg factory, you will see bodies dangling from a production line overhead. Shoot one of them at the rope to make him fall and get the trophy.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Social distancing - Push an enemy away after parrying their attack in Story Mode. | Trophy explained in the title.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Sniper - Defeat an enemy from long range with a sniper rifle in Story mode. | Trophy explained in the title. The best way will be to kill one of the flying creatures shortly after getting the sniper rifle.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Three for the price of one - Defeat at least three enemies with a single attack in Story Mode. | Trophy explained in the title. It won't be a difficult trophy to get, and you can do it in a number of ways, from shooting the magnum through enemies, or using grenades or pipe bombs.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Cooked to perfection - Set a Moroaică on fire in Story mode. | After using the Crank and unlocking the drawbridge, you will then be able to access the dungeon called "Riverbank Treasure House". In one room you will find a brazier in the center and two torches. Shoot the torches and the Moroaică will start spawning indefinitely. Shoot the brazier to make it swing and set the monsters on fire.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Lightning reflexes - Deflect a flaming arrow with a melee weapon in Story Mode. | You can unlock it as you head towards the fortress (between the third and fourth bosses). The road you will take is part of history, so you can't miss this location. Some archers will shoot you with flaming arrows: equip your knife and spam R2 to hit the arrows in flight.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Pack leader - Defeat Vârcolac Alfa in Story mode. | Trophy explained in the title. He will appear on your fourth visit to the village after beating the third boss. You can find it in the Wasteland in the northeast part of the village (the land you visited on your first visit to the village). His appearance is that of a large werewolf. Defeat him to unlock the trophy.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">David against Goliath - Defeat Uriaș during the first Lycan attack in the village. | Trophy explained in the title. You won't have enough hits to kill him the first time you play, but it will be more than doable during New Game + (especially if you're playing on a permissive difficulty).
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">photographer - Use photo mode. | Trophy explained in the title. You can open photo mode from the pause menu. The trophy will only unlock after closing photo mode.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Settebello - Accumulate exactly 777 Lei, 7.777 Lei, or 77.777 Lei in Story mode. | Trophy explained in the title, those numbers must be exactly. There are several ways to get them, and you can play around with math a lot. One of the tricks to get it is to get exactly zero Lei, and craft shotgun bullets. You can sell them for 7 Lei per piece, and then you just need to sell enough to get to 777.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Cartographer - Complete the village map. | To get the trophy you will have to complete the village map, as per the title, and you will already succeed simply by looking for all the collectibles in the game. To complete the collectibles, however, three maps are also required (although not necessary for this specific trophy), and they are:
Castle map (main): it is located on the second floor of the Dimitrescu castle in the ablution room. Go through the door at the end of the garden and go up the stairs to find the map on the way.
Map of the castle (annex): On the first floor of the Dimitrescu castle, from the garden go through the golden door which requires Dimitrescu's key. The map hangs right in front of you as you enter, before going up the stairs.
Factory map (lower levels): you will find it in the same room where you will find the gear to continue the story.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Goat! - Destroy a tutelary goat. | Trophy explained in the title. There are 20 tutelary goats in the game, here is the guide to find them all.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Goat Crack! - Destroy all tutelary goats. | Trophy explained in the title. There are 20 tutelary goats in the game, here is the guide to find them all.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Gunsmith - Customize a weapon with a modification part. | Trophy explained in the title.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Kendo approved - Customize all weapons with their respective modification parts in Story mode. | There are 22 customizable weapon parts in the game. 5 are to be found in the game world, while another 17 are sold by the Duke in the shop. First of all you will have to find or buy the respective weapons and combine them with the customizable parts via the inventory. Here is our complete guide to finding them all.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">DIY expert - Create all types of objects available in the "create" menu. | Trophy explained in the title. Here's our guide to all ammo and items.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Craftsman - Get all blueprints to craft items. | In the game there are 11 crafting recipes, They will require you to unlock certain weapons and you can buy the respective ammo from the Duke. Some of the recipes will automatically be available in his shop as you progress through the story. Here is our guide to finding all the recipes.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">Avid reader - Read all documents in story mode. | Trophy explained in the title. There are 47 in total in the entire game. Here is our complete guide to finding them all
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-1.jpg">King of combos - Get a combo of at least 30 in Mercenaries mode. | Trophy explained in the title. You will easily unlock it without realizing it if you are chasing the trophy to get the S rank in all the missions of the mode.
Trofei d'argento
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-40.jpg"> Dad of the year - Complete the story on Extreme difficulty or higher. | Trophy explained in the title.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-40.jpg"> Dad is in a hurry! - Complete the story in up to 3 hours. | Trophy explained in the title. You can simply play on a low difficulty, rushare each section as hard as you can, and also take advantage of saving in the various sections. Make sure you do this in NG +.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-40.jpg"> Low cost travel - Complete the story by spending a maximum of 10.000 Lei. | Trophy explained in the title. You can get it in NG + when you are already upgraded, and you can combine it with other trophies in the same run, such as the one dedicated to finishing the game with just the knife or the 3 hour speedrun.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-40.jpg"> Legendary Mercenary - Get S-rated or higher on all levels of Mercenaries mode. | Trophy explained in the title. Totally skill based, it will take several attempts.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-40.jpg"> Model collector - View the models of all characters and weapons in the Bonus menu. | After completing the game for the first time, you will find the Extra content shop in the main menu. To purchase this content you will need a coin called "Completion Points", which you will get when you earn trophies and overcome in-game challenges. There are 76 models to buy for a total of 8,900 PCs.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-40.jpg"> Art collector - View all concept art. | After completing the story for the first time on any difficulty, you will find the Extra content shop in the main menu. To purchase this content you will need a coin called "Completion Points", which you will get when you earn trophies and overcome in-game challenges. There are 120 concept art to buy for a total of 12,000 PCs.
Trofei d'oro
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-46.jpg"> Best dad in the world - Complete the story on Shadow Village difficulty | Trophy explained in the title. You can use the trick of infinite bullets to come to your aid. Try to get as empowered as possible. You learn a lot from previous runs, especially on how to inflict as much damage as possible on bosses with the least amount of effort. It won't be a walk in the park, but it won't be impossible either.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-46.jpg"> Never trust concoctions - Complete the story using up to 4 healing items | Trophy explained in the title. If you play on easy difficulty you will have less trouble for this trophy. The advice is to try to complete the trophy in the NG +, when you have already increased your maximum vitality. We also recommend that you keep the 4 heals for the last 2 bosses at the end of the game. We also remind you that in some points of the game you will recover your life automatically:
Entering the Dimitrescu castle after the first cutscene;
During Beneviento house;
Before the Bossfight with Heisenberg;
After the Bossfight with Heisenberg.
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-46.jpg"> In the old way ... - Complete the story using only melee weapons (some boss fights excluded) | As per the title, you will have to complete the adventure using only the melee weapon, and clearly it is recommended to do it at least in a second playthrough, and at a low level. As mentioned at the beginning, the advice is to have unlocked the Karambit Knife from the extra content, which inflicts greater damage.
WARNING: only in some cases it is allowed to use a firearm, and we will list them below, however always keep an eye on the counter of the in-game challenge and that always marks ZERO. The only ones BOSS where you can use firearms are Heisenberg during her first phase (that of the vehicle) and Miranda at the end of the fight, when she will throw you down and create a yellow sphere above her head (you will have to shoot the sphere), but then you will have to return immediately to the knife to finish it.
Some ENVIRONMENTAL PUZZLES they will require gunshots: the puzzle of the 5 bells in the Dimitrescu castle (always check the counter, but for sure you will have to shoot the bell outside and the candlestick); blow up the armory wall during one of the minibosses (craft bomb, grenade launcher); shoot a piece of yellow wood during the Moreau area; threshing area in the factory, in the room with the rotating blades; always in the factory, when you have to deal with the fan; use the laser pointer 3 times in Chris's section of the house (but DO NOT use it against the boss).
Platinum trophy
Guide to all trophies and platinum" src="/images/posts/7cf571d0ae55f4758f277e47d81d86b2-49.jpg"> Ethan Winters - Get all trophies | You will get it after conquering all the other Resident Evil Village trophies.