Call of Duty: Warzone, the best machine guns in the game

In this Call of Duty: Warzone guide we will see which are the best SMGs in the game, based on stats and handling

As in most battle-royale, machine guns (SMGs) are not among the most recommended weapons, especially in the more advanced stages of the game. The maps are huge, the distances between the enemies too, and the clashes in confined spaces in which these weapons would excel are therefore never too many. In the early stages of the matches, however, if better weapons are not found, or perhaps in the very last circles, SMGs can still be excellent allies, often having a very easy to control recoil. In this guide we will therefore see which are the best SMGs in Call of Duty: Warzone, based on statistics, and handling.

Which factors make one weapon better than the others

In Warzone, as well as in other FPS, there are several factors to consider when deciding which are the best weapons, or in this case machine guns. First there are the main stats, like magazine capacity, damage per second (DPS), and charging speed. It then continues with the time required for ADS targeting (with the viewfinder), and the one necessary for the passage from racing to shooting

Finally we must consider the maneuverability of the weapon, basically therefore the difficulty of controlling the recoil. As already written above, in any case, compared to other weapons, machine guns are almost always easier to control. For each weapon we will therefore see:

  • The damage profile, in the form Head | Chest | Stomach | Arts
  • The shots to kill, from the absolute minimum to the absolute maximum
  • The cadence, or the number of shots fired per minute
  • The capacity of the magazine
  • The charging time
  • Time to switch to Aiming Down Sight (ADS)

Call of Duty: Warzone, the best machine guns in the game

AUG - Warzone: Best SMGs

Let's start this guide on the best Warzone SMGs with a weapon that is not normally excellent, but which becomes hands down the best submachine gun in the game when equipped with a charger 5.56 NATO of 60 shots. The 60 shots with increased damage, combined with the excellent handling and a higher DPS of the MP5, make it the full-auto weapon with the shortest time necessary to kill the whole game. Here are the complete statistics: 

  • Damage Profile: 55 | 34 | 34 | 30
  • Shots needed to kill: 2-7 | 3-10 | 4-13 | 5-16
  • Cadence: 750
  • Magazine capacity: 25
  • Cooldown: 1.57 seconds
  • ADS aiming time: 250ms

Call of Duty: Warzone, the best machine guns in the game

Bizon - Warzone: Best SMGs

This weapon has the merits of having a fairly extended magazine since from the beginning, and a recoil very easy to control, however, in the face of a fairly low DPS. Here are the complete statistics: 

  • Damage Profile: 55 | 34 | 34 | 30
  • Shots needed to kill: 2-6 | 3-9 | 4-12 | 5-15
  • Cadence: 650
  • Magazine capacity: 64
  • Cooldown: 1.72 seconds
  • ADS aiming time: 234ms

Call of Duty: Warzone, the best machine guns in the game

MP7 - Warzone: best submachine guns

This weapon has a recoil practically non-existent, A 'excellent accuracy in hip-fire (when aiming without the scope), and a highly extendable magazine, making it one of the best in the game for close combat. Here are the complete statistics: 

  • Damage Profile: 40 | 25 | 25 | 22
  • Shots needed to kill: 3-8 | 4-11 | 5-15 | 7-18
  • Cadence: 950
  • Magazine capacity: 40
  • Cooldown: 1.49 seconds
  • ADS aiming time: 200ms

Call of Duty: Warzone, the best machine guns in the game

MP5 - Warzone: best submachine guns

Compared to the MP7, the MP5 is a bit more difficult to control, and can reach the maximum magazine capacity of just 40 rounds, but it has a time for the lowest kill. Here are the complete statistics: 

  • Damage Profile: 49 | 34 | 34 | 30
  • Shots needed to kill: 3-6 | 4-9 | 5-12 | 6-15
  • Cadence: 800
  • Magazine capacity: 30
  • Reload time: 1.70 seconds
  • ADS aiming time: 200ms

Call of Duty: Warzone, the best machine guns in the game

Bonus weapon: P90

We conclude this guide on Warzone's best SMGs with a bonus weapon: the P90. The base magazine capacity makes this weapon a good choice if you haven't leveled up your arsenal yet, but the fairly mediocre DPS and recoil make it harder to recommend for all players. Here are the complete statistics: 

  • Damage Profile: 40 | 25 | 25 | 22
  • Shots needed to kill: 3-8 | 4-12 | 5-16 | 7-20
  • Cadence: 900
  • Magazine capacity: 50
  • Cooldown: 2.09 seconds
  • ADS aiming time: 200ms

We remind you that Call of Duty: Warzone is available for free for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and that you can also find on our site a guide on tricks and tips to win and the best assault rifles (coming soon). For other guides, news, reviews and specials on the gaming world, go to the dedicated section on our site!

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